You're/yore/y'oar so very smart! Yes. He will be the one seeking asylum in the next life and he will be the one being mocked and rejected and shunted around like trash/debris. He will be the child separated from his parents who is locked up in a cage or a kennel or forced to live in a tent city in the middle of the desert. What ye sow is that which thee shall reap. It is the way of the world. The way of the galaxies. The way of the Universe. The way of GOD or GODS or GAWDS. That is what reincarnation and Karma is all about. The dingdongDondon view is only ever short-term and self-centered. THIS MINUTE. He lacks the ability to see futurely or ever even ponder WHAT IF THAT WERE ME? He will find out without any curiosity needed on his part. KARMA can be very stern. You live and learn. You live and learn. You live and learn.