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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As a kid did you fear what might be lurking under your bed/in the closet? Did you need a nighlight on because the dark of night scared you?

As a kid did you fear what might be lurking under your bed/in the closet? Did you need a nighlight on because the dark of night scared you?

The BOGEYMAN! Things that went bump in the night and startled you. THE BOGEYMAN WILL GET YOU!

So we grow up and outgrow our childish fears. AND THEN we are assaulted by a real-life BOGEYMAN who in reality is far far worse than our worst fears ever imagined!  SIGH. Reality sucks.


A hobgoblin, evil spirit. Anything that haunts frightens annoys or harasses.

Posted - March 31, 2019
