In addition all the folks who were charged convicted of crimes all LIED just to screw with your head. They gaslighted you. Every single one lied about Dondon et al. Those spending time in jail clearly hate him so much they were willing to do that just to make him uncomfy! BUT truth always wins. Truth will prevail. Truth will out. Honor doesn't ebb and flow ya know? It is immutable. Like Dondon. Immutable. Rigid. Strong. True. Crucified almost but well his AG Roy Cohn pseudonymed Bill Barr took real good care of him on that Russure thing. As for climate change well it started with Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth" years ago. Yes the plotting and scheming and HOAXING of y'all began way back then and kept growing and growing and growing. But y'all are too smart for us. Y'all never were fooled. Y'all knew there is absolutely no human impacting climate change in any way. How didja get to be so dam* smart? SIGH.