He was a principal in the MASSIVE MONSTROUS HEALTH CARE FRAUD that a company with which he was affiliated is guilty of.
But Dondon does this all the time. He chose a dumbbell to be Secretary of Education. He loves going against the grain against the flow against reason honor integrity and what is best for the country. He has the power to do whatever the he** cuz he KNOWS y'all will be there to back him up! Undo education. Destroy welfare. Leave justice in tatters. Shoot holes in Congress. Undo all the good. Replace with the greatest we've ever had. He is on a mission to disrupt corrupt destroy and y'all can keep cheering all you want. You are co-conspirators. Colluders. SIGH. How swell is that to be on your tombstone? "HE/SHE was a LOYAL Dondon supporter and worked to trash the country to prove devotion". It will be a very big headstone.
Dondon always chooses the worst possible person he can for every job in his Cabinet and his gubment. He goes out of his way to do this as he middle-fingers all of us. Try to stop him? He is waiting for you to try. Go ahead. Try. What could it hurt, right?