Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "You can't indict a sitting president"! Is America the only country with such a stupid dumb idea? What does the Constitution say?
Impeachment is a criminal process. When the House of Representatives votes articles of impeachment, that IS an indictment. That is followed by a TRIAL in the US Senate. A conviction means both removal from office and that the convicted felon is subject to criminal penalties. We've had two acquittals and one pre-trial resignation under the Constitution. What part of this is beyond understanding to people?? It's not stupid, nor is it dumb. It seems to work when people aren't constantly trying to redefine it.
I don't think the Constitution is clear enough on that. I think a lot of things need to be updated in that regard. Our founding fathers thought the checks and balances they put into our systems were adequate to "control" corrupt politicians .. but obviously they were not.
Hi Mrs. C! Well no one could have possibly anticipated a Dondon. I mean we don't believe him and we are here now living at the same time in the same space, same place! SIGH. If they could have foreseen him I wonder what they would have put in the Constitution to thwart him? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply B! :)
The reason a President can't be indicted is because the President is the leader of the executive branch. So in the case of an indictment he/she can pardon themselves. So the constitution gives us the impeachment process which does not apply pardons.