Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "The Republicans have a WHITE MAN problem". C'mon! What's the problem? Their ilk prefers white milk not chocolate. SO WHAT?
Republicans are not the ones obsessed with white/black/brown, male/female etc. That title belongs to the Dems. The Republicans expect the same laws to be applied to everyone regardless of color/race/gender/religion/orientation. Reps want everyone treated the same under the laws and gov institutions. Dems want special treatment for different groups.
YES YOU DO. You lie and deny. And there WERE NO GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. No matter what you say. I don't care what side the Dems were on. I don't care what side the racists were on.
The side that killed that woman had NO good people even if the other side had a few bad apples. The side TRUMP is defending is his BASE. HIS EVIL RETARDED WHITE SUPREMACIST BASE and for you to take a stand with them sickens me. REALLY BAD.
The quote was "very bad people on both sides" and there were. Antifa was there they are an official terrorist group. Yes there were racist idiots there as well they are also very bad people.
We have hashed this out already....obviously to not point.
The base is not white supremacist. I am the base. I am not racist. I know many many member of the base and none are racist.
Racists do exist and they are not limited to the left or the right.
NONE. OKAY?? GIVE IT UP. NONE. I don't care how many people on the other side were no good, there were PLENTY of good people on that side. INCLUDING the girl who was killed for no reason.
NO GOOD PEOPLE ON THAT SIDE OF MORONS. NONE. IMAGINE OBAMA DEFENDING THIS. IMAGINE ANYONE. I'm SORRY. I know Richard Nixon had limits even. He would have puked if he saw this exchange. And he was a bad guy. But? He was a good ppolitician and HAD BRAINS.
Many good people on the side that was protesting the CREEPS that you think had good people in it.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 5, 2019 12:26 PM MDT
You do not believe there are people who where who simply did not want a historical statue torn down? Now granted as soon as they realized who they were surrounded by they should have got the heck out of there. These people worried about a historical statue for the sake of history are the good people.
Yes there were good people who where there to support the statue removal and the racist idiots.
BUT there were violent people there on both sides.
Is Trump doing so well now that this crap from years ago needs drug up???
Sorry, but I've got no guilt over the circumstance of my birth. Not one damn bit. I don't owe you, nor anyone else, an apology. What's more there are many of us out here, I dare say millions. (White guys) So, like the folks who live off the government tab love to say, I'm here, put up with it or shut up with it. We're not going away.