Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Dondon pretends to be an ANGRY old white man. Bernie Sanders IS an ANGRY old white man. Joe Biden doesn't seem so angry. Better/not so hot?
Honestly, I'm really tired of having old men in office. As an old lady, I can say that. It's time for some more progressive and open minded ideas in government .. and I'd love to see a qualified woman in office before I die. Time for a BIG change.
I want Pete Buttigieg to win (I KNOW I SCREWED UP HIS NAME)
He is AMAZING. But.. that said?
Bernie is not an OLD MAN. And if you are understanding of what PROGRESSIVES are? Bernie was at the forefront of this movement. It is very old of anyone to look at a person and label them that way. Listen to his views. Do not listen to the lies.
He is AMAZING and to classify him as old and white and male? COME ON. Picture him in the Oval with those OLD WHITE MEN that are presently there. Ben Carson is an OLD WHITE MAN. And he is much younger than Bernie. So is Kelly Ann Conway. It is not looks. IT is OLD WHITE MAN MENTALITY.
THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO ELIMINATE. NOT SOME older man with white hair who could change this country so fast we would forget that Trump ever existed.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 5, 2019 10:04 AM MDT
((hugs)) Me too honey! He** I'm 81 and I"M VERY OLD! I have slowed down A LOT intellectually B since we first met years ago on Answerbag. A LOT. So Bernie isn't quite as old as I am but I would do grievous harm to the country though I would be well-intentioned. SIGH. I love that you get what I'm talking about and are on the same wavelength. Well we always were but as an intermediary between the members and Answerbag Staff I know on Answerbag you had to be very circumspect in what you said. Here you don't! Here you can say what you think and you won't be getting a lot of hate mail! Anyway thanks m'dear! :)
You (and Jim) are some of the youngest people I know in sooo many ways. I think the fact that we've seen so many cycles of life in our time on earth .. we do have some reason to think we know something about what we're feeling about the state of our country! It's just not right and I fear for the future .. way beyond what we'll be a part of! Keep speaking your mind ... I think you've earned that right. Have a great weekend! ((hugs))
That is the ONE thing he is NOT faking. HE IS MAD AS HELL and mentally he is just mad.
Bernie is ANGRY. He is white. AND SO WHAT. I am white and angry too and I am as old as Bernie. When we talk about old dinosaurs, Bernie is not remotely old. HE IS a BRILLIANT Progressive. I am totally behind Bernie being elected. OH GOD I would actually give years of my life for this to happen. I would give my life for this country. In that way. Not shooting up the fake enemy. Joe Biden is a nice guy, has a great personna and is too old. He is not going to win anything. He would make a great vice-president, but who with? Maybe Elizabeth Warren if he keeps his hands to himself. LOL
SO. OLD WHITE MAN is only a term that works for the dinosaurs. The brain dead. The old and STUCK in their ways. I mean BEN CARSON is an old white guy with dark skin. He is not a BLACK MAN. Blacks hate his guts. The aged who think about the future NEVER GROW OLD
Dems are getting defunct. REPUBLICANS ARE TOTALLY DEFUNCT. WE ARE PROGRESSIVES. We need and demand change NOW.
Just look at Fuc.. I mean Tucker Carlson. Is this a YOUNG white man? This man has the brain of TRUMP. He is an deranged liar in a younger body but just as old, stuck and white.
This is what has to disappear. NOT JUST THE BAND-AID we all think needs to be removed. THE BASE is the real cancer. The real wound that TRUMP the Band Aid covers.
We think we get rid of the bandaid we solve everything? NO WAY