They say it was becaue he lied to Congress when he said he did not have sex with "that woman" and that "it depends on what is is". Very threatening. Very top secret classified jeopardy for our nation. No wonder the pols then were shaking in their boots and bonded together to SAVE OUR COUNTRY!
So now what the Don don is accused of is super tiny itsey bitsy teensy eensy small potatoes compared to the sex, blue dress, cigar and telling congress nothing happened. All of it. Paddidly.
Treason. Traitor. Consorting with the enemy. Sabotaging your country giving the enemy classified information.Suborning election meddling by a foreign enemy by saying it never happened because Putin said it never happened and he was firm and I believe him. Innocent as a lamb. Pure as the driven snow. An excellent human being who cannot be improved upon since he is already perfect!
So I don't blame y'all for being so ticked off that your boy has been constrained from presidenting as he wished but now with billybarrROYCOHN in charge it will all go away and y'all can get back to your rallies and cheering LOCK HER UP and MEXICO WILL BUILD THE WALL knowing your innocent prez will be free and clear of any jail time forever more. Y'all are so very lucky to be whom you are. Aren'tcha? Get all your ducks in a row. Lard all courts with extreme right-wing WHITE NATIONALIST judges. Control the press. Attack those who don't agree with you and make them go away.
You wanted to Make America Great Again! Congrats! You done it. Take your laps. Y'all earned it.
Three presidents and countless scandals later, the impeachment of President Bill Clinton on Dec. 19, 1998, may seem like a relic of a different time. But that day 20 years ago remains an extraordinary moment in American history — Clinton became only the second president ever to be impeached when, in the wake of his affair with a 22-year-old White House intern, the House of Representatives formally accused him of perjury and obstruction of justice.
The Senate acquitted Clinton two months later, but for the time being he faced the possibility of becoming the first president to be convicted and removed from office.
Twenty years later, impeachment continues to loom over American politics as the most extreme way a president or other official can be punished for bad behavior in office. However, as the process has played out in public so few times, how it actually works may be less well known.