Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Wheat. Chaff. Banana. Banana peel. Corn. Husk. Do you know what is material and what is im? Or do you get confused and conflate them?
Do you get confused between what matters and what doesn't? Do you miss the point entirely and spend your time on the edges the periphery the immaterial the tertiary. I thought the question was stated very clearly. I am shocked that you had to ask for clarification E. Well so did I answer your question? It affects the WHATABOUTS 24/7. They get hung up on Clinton's impeachment for sex a cigar a blue skirt and a consenting adult when I bring up traitor and treason and conspiracy and collusion. They focus on the banana peel (clinton) when what matters is the banana (old man Dondon). That's all I got. Thanx.