Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Vitamins from food not supplements linked to longer life. Believe it or not?

Vitamins from food not supplements linked to longer life. Believe it or not?

Posted - April 9, 2019


  • 10771
    That is so "duh".   I'm amazed it took them this long to figure it out.  Supplements do little more than give the average person expensive sewage.  The human body was designed to get nutrition from food, not pills.  
      April 9, 2019 4:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I agree with thee Shuhak but just think about it! How many BILLIONS of dollars do folks spend on nutritional supplements each year? D'ya think the makers of those products are gonna give that up without a fight? Remember lots of dames don't cook. They either don't have the time (except they make time for things they like to do) or they don't want to be bothered so they feed their families takeout or prepackaged or boxed or canned. Who bothers to cook beans from scratch! I DO! Who bothers to make homemade PASTA PRIMAVERA with homemade sauce made with fresh tomatoes? I DO. There are others out there like me too and sadly though there are many too many who simply cannot be bothered preparing nutritional food for their families. They have so many other far more important things to do apparently. Don't get me started! Thank you for your reply!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at April 10, 2019 2:31 PM MDT
      April 10, 2019 1:27 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh yes, Rosie. I am on the bandwagon for all things living and raw that are grown in organic soil with no pesticides or harmful anything.

    Earthworms must thrive.  If they die?  Don't eat the crap that grows out of that soil.  VERY SIMPLE.  A primitive could tell us more than we know about this FACT that keeps us alive.  We are devolving.

    We are totally dependent on the wrong things.  We need to go back to the idea of the Garden of Eden.  Nature.  Plenty.  Gratitude and service to Mother Nature.  So she can give back. Not rape her and pillage her and burn her and destroy anything sacred and natural and call it progress.

    That is what we all have become.  We are all guilty of that one.

    Jim Morrison of the Doors, circa around 1968

    When the Music's Over

    ....Very soft, yeah, very clear 
    Come today, come today 

    What have they done to the earth? 
    What have they done to our fair sister? 
    Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her 
    Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn 
    And tied her with fences and dragged her down 

    I hear a very gentle sound 
    With your ear down to the ground 
    We want the world and we want it... 
    We want the world and we want it... 
    Now!  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 10, 2019 1:51 PM MDT
      April 10, 2019 1:39 PM MDT

  • 7939
    It's probably true, but I think that's an overly-simplistic view of it. We're only familiar with a small percentage of nutrients and compounds which exist in nature and even the ones we know of, we're not 100% certain how all of them are utilized by the body and how they interact with one another. Supplement manufacturers focus on the key ones we do know, but you're obviously only taking in a handful of nutrients and not getting everything you would have from eating a diverse diet. 

    Anyway... that's the answer that came into my head as I read this, but then I got here and read through the comments. You said, "There are others out there like me too and sadly though there are many too many who simply cannot be bothered preparing nutritional food for their families. They have so many other far more important things to do apparently."

    The average family spends about 10% of its income on food. If you live in AZ and are in a minimum wage job, you earn just under $22,000 per year, meaning you spend $2,200 on groceries annually. That's $183 per month. That's $6.11 per day. Pretend you're a single parent with two kids. Humor me and let me know how, after you work a full day and come home around 6pm, you're going to whip up a magical meal from scratch for three people using $6. That's assuming none of you ate earlier in the day and squandered it. 

    I found an alternate resource that says families earning $29,000 per year spend $5,671 per year between groceries and eating out. We can roll with that one too. That's $472 per month and $15.50 per day. Now we're talking. Kindly show me how you'd make nine nutritious meals from scratch out of $15.50 and let me know where you'd find the time to make them, again, assuming you arrive home around 6pm and not only need to cook, but connect with your kids, check their homework, and so forth. 

    Maybe there are parents out there who really cannot be bothered or just don't have the right priorities, but 40% of the population is dealing with what I just outlined or worse. If we move up to the next 20%, they've got about $20 per day to split among family members and meals. That's a whole lot easier to cope with than $6 or $15. You can probably afford to splurge and spend $4 on a pound of ground beef once in a while, you know, provided you pair it with hamburger helper, because that and a vegetable are going to use up half your budget and you haven't covered lunch or breakfast yet. 


    This post was edited by Just Asking at April 10, 2019 5:50 PM MDT
      April 10, 2019 5:49 PM MDT