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Wires crossed again? Info blackout? Now what?

So according to "reports" the evil one appointed Stephen Miller to tough guy the immigration policy and make it WAY WAY WAY WAY AWFULLER. The separation policy that existed had been stopped. BUT GUESS WHAT FOLKS? It's coming back again courtesy of that swell as he** guy liddle stevie wonder miller. What other things he plans to do who knows? BUT I believe it is ILLEGAL and so it cannot and will not happen. Now I don't which is whicfh. Will it happen again just like in the good old days with kennel and cages and "lock her up" being sung to little children? The original lockups are still in kennels and cages. The evil one sez in order to reunite all of them will take about TWO YEARS. They just pulled that out of their corpulent arses. They don't know anything because some of the children have been adopted out allegedly and some of the parents have already been deported whose children are still somewhere out there allegedly. So how is the doofus inept incompetent impotent gubment gonna undo the damage it did do and do do? They can't. SIGH. So there will be millions of children in kennelo and cages and living in hot desert tent cities in Texas and maybe other elsewheres. What will this cost? Who cares! What's important is separating locking up depriving. Get that done and well he** Stephen Miller may replace Pence as the evil one's veep. I dunno. Can he do it? I"m gonna ask!

Posted - April 10, 2019


  • 46117
    Look we are not smart enough to understand their INTELLIGENT plans.  

    That is why we don't know how Mexico will pay for that fake wall that is being constructed as we speak.

    That is why we cannot comprehend how they can make up a new insurance plan for the country after the election 

    We are too stupid.  So how can we possibly understand their brilliant plan to reunite kids whom they have no record of and no chance of reuniting with anyone.  If those kids make it it will be ONE HUGE MIRACLE.  I am sure a few will survive, but they are fodder for any sexual predator, any slaver, any killer any abuser and all those BAD people that originated here in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and NOT from across the border.  They are here.  Remember? NOT IN MEXICO.  Many of them will NEVER see their parents again because many of them are probably dead already.

    Consdier this:  There are at least TWO kids that died in custody with all these OFFICIAL PROTECTORS around them.  Imagine what the kids in the great unknown are dealing with?  I don't want to imagine.  I feel like it is the worst thing you could ever do to a parent.  I guess Trump thinks of his own kids and cannot imagine how anyone could care about such disposable objects. Do you think he would cry if Eric or what's her name, Tiffany died?  I doubt it.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 10, 2019 4:36 AM MDT
      April 10, 2019 4:32 AM MDT