The liddle billybarrROYCOHN "AG" is right in line with that. He is the AG for Dondon T and not for thee or me. So he jump very high when told and lies very big when ordered to and rolls over whimpering when commanded to and asserts boldly when told. He is very good obedient littlebillybarrROYCOHN and may outshine his idol the first ROYCOHN. "We'll see what happens".
The Dondon personal AG is gutting everything Dondon wants to eliminate. Law and order my a**! Just get a jacka** with authority to destroy what matters whose fake LEGAL is illegal and watch the carnage. T'is a bloody sight alright. Where might is the only thing that is right and everything else isn't. Simplicity is the key. I strong. You not. I say you die. You die. Got a problem with that? Go suck an egg!