Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Hypothetical. A very powerful person commits 15,672 acts that grievously harm others in varying number.s What is the question?
Hypothetical. A very powerful person commits 15,672 acts that grievously harm others in varying number.s What is the question?
Do thorough reporters report on every single one of the 15,672 harmful actions or only a few so that they won't be accused of being called partisan hacks? What would YOU do if YOU were an honorable honest thorough reporter? Why?
A reporter reports and does not CHOOSE anything. They do their jobs and choose to report whatever they are paid to report. If you are the Washington Post you report about Washington. Remember? If you are the Atlantic, same thing. If you are Vanity Fair you report on politics.
If you are FOX NEWS you lie. You report whatever you can to kiss Trump's butt. No one else reports this. Not CNN, not MSNBC, not ABC, not CBS, not NBC not Meet the Press, not anyone that has news that 75 percent of America watches and knows to be fact.
JUST FOX. So, who is the FAKE?
If you report on politics, you report. It is not the fault of the media that what they must report on is GRAFT, LIES and CORRUPTION from the top down. That is just FACT. When you have words coming out of a moving mouth? That is facts as well.
The president is the most ridiculous liar alive. That is a fact.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 15, 2019 12:20 PM MDT
That is why the LAWS have been created and enacted. You may think that Ted Bundy is not a murderer. The FACTS prove otherwise. You may think Elvis is not dead. Many do. The facts prove otherwise.
You may think the EARTH IS FLAT. The facts prove otherwise.
You may think that TRUMP is honest.
You may be mentally retarded. He stands up on VIDEO and in his OWN words admits his crimes. There is no question. The question is what does the BASE stand to lose by admitting they backed a loser? EVERYTHING. They have nothing left. All their hopes and dreams rely on this LIAR. It is pathetic and I am reminded of the Germans in Nazi Germany pledging allegiance to Hitler. Sieg Hiel!!!!
But laws were created not to prove fact or fiction but rather for the smooth functioning of society. You don't seem to understand, or you choose not to understand, that the allegiance is not to an individual but to an ideal of freedom and personal responsibility - the freedom for each of us to worship God and live our lives as happily as we are able and to help others. Which cannot be dictated to us but must come from within each of us. For without that we have nothing left. Which is why we back a politician who is willing to subscribe to those ideals and protect them.