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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We are going to EXHAUST the subject of FOOL. Why? Because I think FOOL and FOOLISH is a communicable disease and is an epidemic. Do you too?

We are going to EXHAUST the subject of FOOL. Why? Because I think FOOL and FOOLISH is a communicable disease and is an epidemic. Do you too?

A silly or stupid person who LACKS JUDGMENT
An ardent enthusiast who cannot resist an opportunity to indulge an enthusiasm
A weak-minded or idiotic person
To trick deceive or impose on
To delude hoodwink cheat dupe hoax

Simpleton dolt dunce blockhead numbskull dunderhead ninny nincompoop booby saphead sap moron imbecile idiot


The self-proclaimed STABLE GENIUS fits all the synonyms of FOOL. NOT THE ANTONYM

I promised exhaustion. Are you there yet?

Posted - April 16, 2019
