Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You would like to be SUPER SMART. Who doesn't want that? Maybe you should rethink that. Know why?

You would like to be SUPER SMART. Who doesn't want that? Maybe you should rethink that. Know why?

Here's why. The SUPER SMART can see what could be. The rest of us think we are already the best there is. See the problem? We are operating in different universes, different levels, different understandings. Now who wants to go through life knowing how things should be and could be better and being shoved aside by those who have no interest in something so silly as that? I have read that the suicide rate of exceedingly smart people is rather high. Why? I think they are just tired of trying to make us see how things could be better and getting hammered for it or ignored. I think they just want out. How do I know? I don't. But I have a good imagination. I also know how I feel when folks either pay no attention to me or smack me. Not very good. And the beat goes on!  :(

Posted - April 16, 2019


  • 10771
    The "super smart" are usually held to a higher standard than "normal" folks.  They are pressured to succeed beyond "normal" folks - whether they desire to or not.  And if they fail to succeed, they are scorned more so than would a "normal" person.   This undue pressure can cause excessive anxiety in a person.  Anxiety can lead to depression, and depression can lead to suicide.  
      April 16, 2019 5:49 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Years ago I had a good friend whose brother had committed suicide before we met so I never knew him. He was  genius she told me and had a very hard adapting to life. He ended up drinking a lot, not acccomplishing anything good and finally took his own life. I find that to be incredibly sad. What could he have contributed to society? What potential did he have that was damaged for some reason? Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday! :)
      April 19, 2019 3:27 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Here’s the thing:
    The real “super smart people” as you say (and they know who they are), can find themselves getting hammered in the court of public opinion for simply declaring the obvious: that they are smarter than “ordinary people”. 

    Exceptionally intelligent people are among the last generally acceptable targets of public prejudice. Them, and atheists. Interesting that many of these folks fall into both categories. 

    As one who has no qualms about his own intelligence, I tell you it can get tiresome and sometimes frustrating conducting intelligent discourse with less agile minds. I know this comes off as pompous or narcissistic, but so be it, I would happily compare brain pans with anyone. I relish any opportunity to engage with bright people.
    I digress.

    The fact is, as you say, the “bigger picture” can be beyond the purview of the average mind. The rub comes when it becomes a point of PRIDE to defend the commonly-held position, right or wrong, know-it-all eggheads be damned. Pride, and mob mentality. How dare they think they’re better than us! How arrogant and condescending they are!
    ...And so on and so forth.  

    How hard then, should the Brainiacs work to convert the lay-folk? To what end? Is there a better path forward? Do we really need to do this? 

    Forgive my rambling stream of consciousness, but I find myself with little else to do at the moment...

      April 16, 2019 6:07 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Apologies are unnecessary DB. By now you must know that's how I roll...stream-of-consciousness Rosie. Some folks find it very annoying. Others like you are very agile adept and can keep up with the patternless sometimes bizarre directions I go in. I must say this about what you said though. For me personally MODESTY is very appealing alluring and appreciated. No disrespect intended to you or any others who are super smart. I love to be surrounded by super smart folks. I am a perennial student who is very grateful to anyone who is willing to take the time to explain things to me. I am very curious. Perhaps that is what might set me apart from others. I WANT TO KNOW. I WANT TO  LEARN. 24/7. No exceptions. I value those who are kind enough to hang in with me wherever I am at the moment and take me seriously. Serious is my default node. Thank you for your thoughtful and honest answer DB. I think I attract supersmart people because they know I am very sincere about wanting to understand things that I don't. My son is a genius and very modest. I kinda like that. You can understand why, right? Happy Friday to thee DB! :)
      April 19, 2019 3:34 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I for one would not want that.  Though no question I would like to be smarter than I am. Would like to be smart enough to understand philosophy so I could enjoy that.  But I interact with people who are really smart and many of them are really quite capable but they have their own problems.  And I can't see that very many of them are happier than I am.  Or they can be insufferably smug and act like I don't count or even exist.  Who needs that?  I have my own life to lead and as imperfect as I am I intend to enjoy as much of it as I am able to. 
      April 16, 2019 8:30 PM MDT