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Do you like probiotic beverages? I love them and drink them each day. ENERGY and tasty and healthy too.

Posted - April 17, 2019


  • Never heard of them or had one. I like yogurt though. 
      April 17, 2019 9:21 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Kombucha?  You must try one.  I don't know if you drink pop, soda, whatever you guys call it, but this is actually so much better.  You don't crave more and more, like soda. And it is very good for us.

    There is dispute, because it does have sugar, but nothing like pop.  
    The first one I drank, I hated years ago.  Now, I am used to the tart flavor and I am so glad I switched.  I don't drink pop that much anymore.

    Thank god.  

    8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea


    Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years.

    Not only does it have the same health benefits as tea — it's also rich in beneficial probiotics.

    Kombucha also contains antioxidants, can kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases.

    Here are the top 8 health benefits of kombucha, based on scientific evidence.

    1. Kombucha is a Potential Source of Probiotics
    8 Benefits of Kombucha TeaShare on Pinterest

    Kombucha is thought to originate in China or Japan.

    It's made by adding specific strains of bacteria, yeast and sugar to black or green tea, then allowing it to ferment for a week or more (1).

    During this process, bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like film on the surface of the liquid. This is why kombucha is also known as "mushroom tea."

    This blob is a living symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, or a SCOBY, and can be used to ferment new kombucha.

    The fermentation process produces acetic acid (also found in vinegar) and several other acidic compounds, trace levels of alcohol and gases that make it carbonated (2).

    A large amount of bacteria also grow in the mixture. Although there is still no evidence for the probiotic benefits of kombucha, it contains several species of lactic-acid bacteria which may have probiotic function. (3).

    Probiotics provide your gut with healthy bacteria. These bacteria can improve many aspects of health, including digestion, inflammation and even weight loss.

    For this reason, adding beverages like kombucha to your diet might improve your health in many ways.

    Summary Kombucha is a type of tea that has been fermented. This makes it a good source of probiotics, which have many health benefits.
    2. Kombucha May Provide the Benefits of Green Tea

    Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.

    This is because green tea contains many bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, which function as powerful antioxidants in the body (4).

    Kombucha made from green tea contains many of the same plant compounds and presumably boasts some of the same benefits (5).

    Studies show that drinking green tea regularly can increase the number of calories you burn, reduce belly fat, improve cholesterol levels, help with blood sugar control and more (6, 7, 8, 9).

    Studies also show that green tea drinkers have a reduced risk of prostate, breast and colon cancers (10, 11, 12).

    Summary Kombucha made from green tea may offer many of the same health benefits as green tea itself, such as weight loss and blood sugar control.
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 17, 2019 9:32 AM MDT
      April 17, 2019 9:27 AM MDT

  • I don’t drink pop. I have a soda stream if i want a fizzy drink. I just put tap water in the bottle then put it in the soda stream and it carbonates the water. I usually add lemon to that. Unless im drinking wine I never drink my calories lol. I don’t think I would like the taste of the stuff you’re talking about but I believe you that it’s good for you. 
      April 17, 2019 9:35 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I think you would hate it, come to think of it.  

    Look at GOD's answer. LOL

    I do like fizzy. I'm with you on that one.
      April 17, 2019 9:44 AM MDT

  • Yeah, I think I’ll pass lol. 
      April 17, 2019 9:55 AM MDT

  • i tried one of these once and it tasted like poison. i dont know if it was this brand but it tainted kombucha for me forever. 
      April 17, 2019 9:33 AM MDT

  • 46117
    That's how I felt years ago when I drank one.  OH I HATED IT.

    My tastebuds changed.  What can I say?  
      April 17, 2019 9:45 AM MDT

  • i want to like it. i like this kind of edgy hippie shenanigans. ill go to the store today and look for this brand 
      April 17, 2019 10:11 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Try one with flavors you know you will probably like.  That might help.  
      April 17, 2019 12:04 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Some years ago I liked kombucha and drank it for a number of months before realizing it was basically like a vinegar. I do eat some probiotic sauerkraut. 
      April 17, 2019 9:37 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yeah.  It is. Basically.  And vitamin B is basically like yeast.  What is your point?  

    Try reading the site I posted. Just because vinegar is vinegar, does not make it healthy.  There are vinegars that are.  FERMENTED vinegars with the mother included like Kombucha, are ten times more beneficial than any vinegar that is on the shelf.  

    Those are basically useless.  I am 68. work every day and work harder than most 20 year olds.  I think I know what I am  doing here.
      April 17, 2019 9:42 AM MDT

  • 34901
    I eat yogurt. Not Activia though I do not like the taste. I just 2 of the yoplait.
      April 17, 2019 10:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I fail to even see how activia and youplait taste at all different.

    They are the weakest example of probiotic and really have zero nutritional benefit.
      April 17, 2019 11:00 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Haven't tried them.

    I did start using probiotic gummies, and they seem to be helping with my constant acid-reflux issues.
      April 17, 2019 11:54 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh yeah. They are all about digestion.  Fermeted is the new way to go.  Everything that is fermented properly can really offset a lot of physical issues.

    It's amazing that way.  ENZYMES are the answer.
      April 17, 2019 12:05 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I don't do probiotics per se.  I drink water, coffee, milk and if i'm sick, tea.  I eat yogurt.
      April 17, 2019 10:42 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yogurt is not probiotic in any healthy manner.  Especially the grocery store kind.  Milk is terrible for you.   Coffee is terrible for you.  And water, depending on what you drink can also be bad.

    Tap water?  NEVER.  Water in plastic bottles ? Can be dangerous as well.



    YogurtYogurt can be a tasty, nutritious addition to any diet. However, there are plenty of different yogurts, and some are more healthful than othersThere are many types of yogurt that provide varying levels of nutritional benefit.

    When is yogurt good for you?

    Whether yogurt is a healthful choice depends on the person consuming it and the type of yogurt.

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    Yogurts can be high in protein, calcium, vitamins, and live culture, or probiotics, which can enhance the gut microbiota.

    These can offer protection for bones and teeth and help prevent digestive problems.

    Low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein on a weight-loss diet.

    Probiotics may boost the immune system.

    Some argue that they could also impact brain functioning, too, although more research is necessary to confirm some of these claims.

    In 2014, researchers found that consuming yogurt may help protect against type 2 diabetes. Other types of dairy product did not appear to impact the likelihood of developing the condition.

    Other scientists have suggested that yogurt containing probiotic bacteria successfully protects children and pregnant women against the effects of heavy metal exposure.

    It is also a nutritious option when people find it difficult to chew their food.

    Non-dairy yogurts offer an alternative for people who do not consume dairy or animal products or have allergies or intolerances.

    Yogurt contains less lactose than milk because the lactose is used up in the fermentation process.

     When is yogurt bad for you?

    Not all yogurts are healthful. Those without added sugar or unnecessary additives can be a healthful addition to the diet, but some products have high quantities of added sugar and other ingredients that may not be beneficial.

    Natural yogurt can be a low-calorie, high-nutrient food packed with protein.

    However, many manufacturers add sugar, artificial sweeteners, and other ingredients that are not healthful.

    All yogurts contain some natural sugars, but consumers are advised to look for a product with less than 15 grams of sugar per serving. The lower the sugar, the better, as long as it does not contain any artificial sweeteners.

    Some studies have refuted the view that yogurt consumption is linked to good health, causing authorities to question whether health claims can be made for commercial purposes. However, people who eat yogurt are more likely to have an otherwise healthy diet.

    Yogurt-flavored products

    Packaged products like cereals and bars claiming to be "made with real yogurt," yogurt-covered raisins and other products with yogurt coating contain only a small amount of yogurt powder.

    Yogurt powder is heat-treated, and heat kills the beneficial bacteria. Yogurt coatings are made of sugar, oil, whey, and yogurt powder.


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 17, 2019 11:06 AM MDT
      April 17, 2019 11:03 AM MDT