Discussion»Questions»Food and Drink» I am making myself sick just thinking this. Are there recipies for hair? Does any culture cook hair or fur and use that and eat that? ewww
No. I am thinking of a food source and I am wondering. I know there has to be some culture somewhere that did this insanity. If one can think something up, someone somewhere has done it.
No. (Human) hair is non-digestible. While ingesting a ocasional strand or 2 won't kill you (people swallow a lot hair than they might think), ingesting quantities of it can mess up your insides (introduce harmful bacteria, clogging of the esophagus and colon, difficulty in expulsion, etc.). I am sure people have tried eating hair for food in the past, but once they found out the consequences they ceased doing so (or were "purged from the gene pool"). Most recipes that mention "hair" in their title don't actually have real hair in them.