He wrote a letter to Dondonjohn "thanking him for treating him so courteously during their PRIVATE talks". Not kidding. PRIVATE TALKS about what? The acting AG talking to the prez about an investigation centering on the president? Seriously folks has anyone ever been THAT STUPID DUMB? Oh. Yes. The billybarrROYCOHN current AG is way stupider dumber. SIGH. Before the current corrupt thug in the White House in the time of reasonable people the last thing a prez would do would be to INTERFERE with the justice department about any investigations. OFF LIMITS and inappropriate to the max. What the Dondonjohn does best.,
So ya got an idiot insane man playacting in the role of a prez controlling his toady sycophants and having them do THE WRONG THING 24/7 and well everything otherwise is hunky dory. Do you see any of this ending well?