Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Deliver the exact same lines with the exact same attitude. That's how y'all convince the target audience that what you say is true. Right?
That is the entire schtick of the sb prez DB. TELL A LIE THEN Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. The sb prez sez what got him through his terrible ordeal was his belief in God. Do you believe that? You specifically pick out religion here which I find quite odd. Why not politics? The politics of the sb prez is what is killing us slowly. Not his religion. SIGH. Whatever. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
If we look at what it takes to allow oneself to follow Trump, is it not akin to religious fervor? I mean the denial of evidence, the alternate realities, chanting of mantras, and allowing the “leader” whatever wild claims he deems fit to speak at any moment. Revelations? Given the abundance of lies, it is a BELIEF system. Could it be that is a reason evangelicals fell so easily into line here?
Additionally, what you describe in the Question is a quality of at least some religions. Keep repeating the story/claims with tones of authority, particularly to the tender minds of children, or those of comparatively naive adults, and you mold believers.
I guess I don't understand your need to beat up on religion. I think we have our hands full with a scumbag president whose every word and deed advances our destruction. I think you are diverting attention from the issue which I think is most critical by diluting it with religion. Exactly as happen with the WHATABOUTS whose reply to any question of mine about the scumbag prez causes them to drag in clinton or Obama or whomever they wish to dilute obfuscate and avoid. Just my opinion. You have the right to drag in any baggage you wish whenever you wish. I just wish we could focus on the question as written but you are not the only who does that. I do not single you out or fault you for it. I just don't understand it. Thank you for your reply. Different strokes.