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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I received an invoice for a magazine titled THE ECONOMIST. Never heard of it. How do they make any money?

I received an invoice for a magazine titled THE ECONOMIST. Never heard of it. How do they make any money?

REGULAR PRICE     $95.88
MY SAVINGS           83.88
I PAY                      12.00 

I'm not going to subscribe. But what about all those who might? Are they so desperate to increase the subscription numbers that they are willing to lose money so they can charge more for advertisers who I guess pay more for magazines with more customers? Makes no sense to me.

Posted - May 5, 2019


  • 10770
    Yes, they are desperate to make money.    Magazines are going the way of the dinosaurs.  Publishers are practically giving away their product - IF  you commit to a year or more of them

    No, they're not really losing money to do this.   The price thing is only a gimmick to make you think you're saving money (people love to think they are saving money) so you will purchase their product.  What they're counting on is bulk sales.  The  so called "cover price" is an overly inflated amount.  Note that all offers are using this cover price to indicate your savings.  Your "regular" price is if you paid the cover price.  Of course, some stores charge you less than the cover price (their option).  There's a lot more to this and it's complicated to explain, but the bottom line is this - the publisher does not come out losing money (if they did they couldn't stay in business).

      May 5, 2019 10:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for telling me that Shuhak. I' ve gotten multiple such offers from various magazines and I have succumbed on rare occasion always wondering how in the heck they survive? Bogus numbers that I believed  explains it very nicely. Thanks again :)
      May 5, 2019 12:37 PM MDT