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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An 18-year-old young man lunged at the Colorado Shooter thereby saving others' lives. Is this how he was supposed to die? Saving lives?

An 18-year-old young man lunged at the Colorado Shooter thereby saving others' lives. Is this how he was supposed to die? Saving lives?

Posted - May 8, 2019


  • 10770

    How is anyone "supposed to die"?  Is there a book somewhere saying how each of us is "supposed" to die?   He - hit by bus.   She - drown in flood.  He - shot in battle.  She - terrorist attack.  ???

    We are all given a life.  How we chose to live our life isn't written in some book somewhere.  We make choices.  Those choices aren't predetermined, we make them as we go along.  "Stuff" happens (natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, accidents, etc.).  When this "stuff" happens, we choose how we respond to it.  Many decisions are made in a split second.  You see a person fall into a river and they cry for help - what do you do?  Do you jump in and try to save them?  Do you alert others?  Do you ignore them?  By jumping in the water you might be able to save them, but you might be killed.  In the time it takes to alert others, the person may drown.  By ignoring them you are safe.  You only have a split second to make a decision, so hurry.

    When asked, "would you be willing to put your life in danger to save (or attempt to save) another?", most people say yes.  But when push comes to shove, will they?  Would you?  It's not your "destiny", it's your choice!  

    No one should have to die because of another person's stupidity (school shooting, terrorist attack, etc.).  Sadly, this stuff happens (I won't go into the why's and how's here).  Is our mindset set so that when this stuff does happen that we value others more highly than we do ourselves?  Or is it one of "me first".  Sacrificing one's life for others is "noble", but it's also a high price to pay.  Is your mindset one that if others were in danger you' wouldn't hesitate to save them... even if it cost you your life?

      May 8, 2019 9:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You don't know how we are supposed to die? You don't have a clue? Here's how.

    After a long and very good life we ARE SUPPOSED TO DIE of old age. Peacefully. Painlessly. For some that would be at age 100. For others at age 85. The age varies but the SUPPOSED TO never does. Did I answer your question Shuhak? I'm shocked that you didn't know that. Thank you for your reply.
      May 9, 2019 7:14 AM MDT

  • 10770
    It was a somewhat rhetorical question.   My point was that we aren't given a specific "time" when we will leave this body.  I understand what you're saying, in theory we SHOULD live to ~70.  Biologically speaking, we should live to be well over 150 (true "old age"), yet we never make it that far.   Something (disease, tragedy,or whatever) alway takes us out before we reach "old age".  As the body wears, it becomes more and more susceptible to diseases and is unable to repair itself as well.  
      May 9, 2019 11:26 AM MDT