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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We did not realize that the E XECUTIVE BRANCH was a BLACK HOLE that swallows everything. No one survives a BLACK HOLE. RIGHT?

We did not realize that the E XECUTIVE BRANCH was a BLACK HOLE that swallows everything. No one survives a BLACK HOLE. RIGHT?

Posted - May 8, 2019


  • 46117
    Rosie, I just turned on the news an hour ago.  You would THINK that after all we have heard that there would be nothing ELSE to shock.  Well, hang on to your hat for this day's news.  Starting with the New York Times story about Trump's income tax evasions for a ten year period.  

    That is just the tip of the iceberg.  The nausea continues.  This CON ARTIST appointed his personal lackeys to head the IRS.  They decide whether to release the taxes or not.    Oh God.  The nightmare continues.  

    … you know, speaking of black holes.  Trump is the ultimate black hole.  
      May 8, 2019 10:11 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Actually, No ... the head of the IRS does not decide whether or not to release taxes.
    That is a standing IRS regulation.
    Any employee who releases individual tax information, other than specific circumstances listed in the regulation, may face federal charges.
      May 8, 2019 11:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He has taken another prize for being the single person or second single person to HAVE LOST THE MOST MONEY ON BAD BUSINESS DEALS  in the history of our country. $1.1BILLION BUCKS. He is a con artist..syster...scammer. His papa dearest kept bailing him out. The sb prez was the only investment his dad ever made that was very bad. That is what the sb is. And that is what his adoring worshippers adore about him. Go figger! Of course he is going to appoint only toady sycophants to do his bidding. He has all Republicans in both House and Senate COWED. They are spineless whinya**  scairdy cats. Worth crap to the country and we the people. One day we may  figure out why. Till then we just gotta figger out how to survive the sb. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      May 9, 2019 2:33 AM MDT