The sb prez is on a TEAR to retaliate against all his enemies. So he really wants to "lock her up". He wants more investigations into Hillary and her emails. He is getting really hot and so excited about it. So excited. He has the power to take revenge on his enemies and he is getting off on it. Maybe it's his only way to feel alive. Getting back at delights him.
He wants to investigate those who investigated him. Worthy goal right? The costs are irrelevant. So there are currently THREE investigations into how the Mueller investigation orangenated orginated orangenated. The time it will take is irrelevant. It is what drives him ceaselessly. REVENGE! You don't begrudge him that do you? Meanwhile there are other things he will dabble in as time permits. Iran North Korea China. He wants revenge on them too. In fact the list of those he wishes to conquer control crush grows larger each day. Sit back and watch. See what happens next. He is juggling lotsa plates. Which one will crash to the ground first and shatter? Does it matter?