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War with Iran? Hasn't the US been the instigator slowly by slowly year by year since the sb prez took control?

"The Drums of war of the United States are the ones that have been beating the loudest"

Just another distracting HOAX to get folks off the back of the corrupt devious sb prez or a real dire threat he and his John Bolton Hawk have worked so diligently to achieve? Well whatcha think? Are we on the BRINK of war or snore snore snore...whatta bore......just another sb prez way to score another nothing?

Posted - May 17, 2019


  • 10770
    For some reason trump hates Iran.  Perhaps "wiping out Iran" is on trump's bucket list (wiping out the US sure is).  Granted Iran's not the "friendliest" country in the world.  Ever since the 'hostage crisis' of the late 70's, war between the US and Iran has seemed almost inevitable.  F Despite all the rhetoric, it's clear that trump's just trying to pick a fight with Iran.  A fight the US will probably lose.   If trump gets re-elected, he'll make sure that we go to war ... one way or another.  Although he'd prefer it to be with Iran, he'd probably accept it from any country.  trump, like most of the US, suffers from a false sense of godhood.  Might does always not make right.
      May 17, 2019 9:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    My understanding is that John Bolton hates iran and has been itching to go to war with them since his last stint in gubment years ago. WAR HAWK. So now the sb prez has another loose cannon to play with. How fun! Meanwhile what's happening in North Korea? Thank you for your reply Shuhak!  :)
      May 17, 2019 9:58 AM MDT

  • 3719
    "Regime change" is the phrase the sabre-rattlers like to use as an excuse. Easy to say when you've a few thousand miles of ocean between you and most of the rest of the world to East and West.

    Change to... what? A functioning government but one that bitterly hates the West? Is perhaps even more dictatorial at home? Or a ruined country left to be fought over by tacky sectarian and territorial war-lords of its own, helped by assorted mercenaries on all sides? Meanwhile encouraging groups like ISIS and it successors and followers to rampage around murdering people for the hell of it, while OPEC takes revenge via oil price rises or embargoes? 

    Iran is hardly our idea of a democracy that guarantees personal liberty, but it is at least stable and arguably a bit more progressive in some respects than Saudi Arabia; and "Western" countries trade with her. Overall both we and Iran would gain more from actually treating each other with respect.

    If the present White House / Pentagon team do start throwing explosives at Iran, I hope my own country (Britain), Germany and the others involved in the nuclear-limitation treaty with Iran, keep out of it and say very clearly to Tehran, "WE still uphold the treaty, we still wish to trade with you; AND we are not at war with you."

    Trade with Iran? The UK does, buying not only their oil, but even the delicious figs my local wholefood shop sells. I don't know if the country was developing tourism, but there were a very few, quiet, small-scale cultural links. It's probably too hazardous to visit the country now, I'm afraid.     


    I think there are a lot more discreet, civilised and constructive links between the West and let us say, controversial, countries than the headlines and hawkish politicians admit! For example, who'd have thought 40 years ago that I could (funds permitting!) now visit Vietnam as a tourist -  though funds don't permit. Still, I helped her economy is my own little way - I spotted on the packet that the dessicated coconut I used yesterday was from there!
      May 18, 2019 3:47 PM MDT