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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Republica Clint Eastwood spoke at great length to an empty chair at a Republican convention. Is the empty chair symbolic of the sb prez?

Republica Clint Eastwood spoke at great length to an empty chair at a Republican convention. Is the empty chair symbolic of the sb prez?

ChickenmanbillybarrROYCOHN did not show up to testify before the House several weeks ago. EMPTY CHAIR. He testified gladly in front of the Senate whose majority is supportive of the sb prez. Chickenman proved how chickensh** he is. Today Don McGahn did not show up to testify before the House. Another empty chair where a human being should have been sitting and answering questions asked.

Empty suit. Empty chair. Empty heart. Empty mind. Empty soul.  Empty where plenty should be. Not make american great again. Not  chicken in every pot. Not read my lips no new taxes. Not  do not ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. Not nuttin'. Empty Chair it will be for every trumpican toady sycophant. Empty chair it will always be. The one a President should be sitting in but isn't. Empty chair here. Empty chair there. Empty chair everywhere. Great symbol. Made of wood (so are blockheads). Hard and rigid (so is the sb prez). Monotonous color (well red is the color of the sb prez). Hardwood empty chair filled with nothing but air. .

Posted - May 21, 2019
