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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The old codger draft dodger sez he is gonna make a MAJOR BIGLY statement on the border! "SHOOT TO KILL"?

The old codger draft dodger sez he is gonna make a MAJOR BIGLY statement on the border! "SHOOT TO KILL"?

Remember when the half guv of Alaska cutey sara P paid $4.50 per wolf paw to hunters? What will the bold codger draft dodger pay the snipers who take down and out the most immigrants! If you're a good shot you too could make a billion bucks. Come one come all. A Shooter's PARADISE and you're get paid per head that's dead!

Posted - May 30, 2019


  • 34948
    No one is getting paid to shoot illegal immigrants.  Not gonna happen. 

      May 30, 2019 11:30 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Mexico has oil fields.
    It's home to drug cartels that control much of the government.
    Mexican military forces have fired on our Border Patrol, and invaded American territory.
    Mexico's southern border is much shorter than the northern one, so easier to patrol.

    We're going to invade Mexico.
      May 30, 2019 12:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    OY VEY! I am VERKLEMPT Walt. When? As he speaks? Sheesh. Why the he** not? It a lot cheaper to fight a war close to home. Thank you for your very informative and helpful answer! :)
      May 30, 2019 12:14 PM MDT

  • 6023
    And everybody thought moving all those troops to the border was just to help patrol and deter illegal entry.
    Fooled all y'all.
    First, we roll in and take over the cities that are split by the border.
    Then we expand operations and eventually take it all.
    We use the "kill switch" in the equipment we sold the Mexican military, to render their tanks/planes/etc inoperable.
      May 30, 2019 12:24 PM MDT