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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Has donjohntrump ever suffered a tragedy? Has he ever been deprived or unable to get whatever he needed as soon as he wanted it?

Has donjohntrump ever suffered a tragedy? Has he ever been deprived or unable to get whatever he needed as soon as he wanted it?

How do you think he could handle the loss of a loved one... child, a mate, a sibling, a close friend? Would he do as he usually does and make it all about him? Would he not survive? Does he have what it takes to endure hardship deprivation tragedy and carry on?

Posted - May 31, 2019


  • 34949
    Everyone has suffered in their lifetime. 
    Trumps parents are both deceased. He is on his third marriage. There is possible miscarriages that are not in the public. He has filed more than one business bankruptcy. 
      May 31, 2019 6:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Everyone's parents die m2c. He cheated in all his marriages and his wives dumped him. Miscarriages or ABORTIONS? He was PRO CHOICE for decades. He also screwed around with dames while married. He had an affair WHILE MELANIA WAS PREGNANT and thereafter. His choice. He is a scumbag male. His bankruptcies were due to his lack of business sense. Six bankruptcies I believe and his daddy dearest bailed him out of every single one. He is  lousy businessman. You see him very differently than I do. A golden glow surrounds him as you persist in wearing your rose-colored glasses. Your choice. Thank you for your reply. Nice try but I don't buy. This post was edited by RosieG at June 1, 2019 2:55 AM MDT
      June 1, 2019 2:54 AM MDT

  • 34949
    I am not and do defend those actions. But who is to say those actions were not the result of not knowing how to deal with a loss. Even people who choose abortion suffer at as a result of knowingly ending a life. 
    Sometimes our loss and sadness is caused by our own action that does not erase the pain. 
    Yes, we all due and normally our parents go first does not make it not painful or less tragic.
      June 1, 2019 6:07 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Tragedy is a part of life.  Learning to deal with tragedy is a part of life.   Anyone who has played that big a business game has undoubtedly suffered tragedies on an almost daily basis.  Strange that you would think wealth somehow insulates us from tragedy or loss.  Just thinking of the number of other people's games he has had to play in life to succeed, the amount of money he has lost and continues to lose, the complexity of having to exist in such a cut-throat environment boggles the mind.  I know I could never hope to cope with all the things he undoubtedly has to deal with on a daily basis.  Add to that being regularly excoriated and "investigated" in congress, public media, and on sites such as this one?  You imagine that is an easy life without tragedy or suffering?   I could not even conceive of going through the suffering he has to deal with every day.   He is not going to break down on TV because he believes in keeping up a positive front. Plus he has a job to do - we didn't elect him to hear litanies of his sufferings. Plus he is aging as we all are.  And with aging -we are unable to do any longer what we once were capable of. 
      May 31, 2019 6:28 AM MDT