I guess the best brainwashers are in politics and religion. In religion they're the ones who tell you that GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH and that when tragedy strikes it is GOD punishing us for whatever the teller wants you to believe is evil...like loving someone of the same gender. They are the very wealthy examples of what religion can give you if you are a very good talker and convincer with no morals or ethics or soul.
As for politics well he** look at the world "leaders"? Despot dictators who murder dismember or cause to have it done against their own people! Not only here with the sb prez but Russia, North Korea, the Philippines. all the butts that the sb prez kisses when he opens his mouth. He saves all his disses for our allies, American citizens, and anyone he thinks is his enemy. And people by the droves believe in him and follow him just as they say they do Jesus. Imagine that? How good a brainwasher must the sb prez be to effect THAT?