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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » That hypocrite son of a mitch mcconnell says he is proud of denying President Obama a SCOTUS Pick. He is a powerful jacka**. Brazen brayer?

That hypocrite son of a mitch mcconnell says he is proud of denying President Obama a SCOTUS Pick. He is a powerful jacka**. Brazen brayer?

Here's what the brazen brayer is so very proud of.

During President Obama's last year as president when Antonin Scalia died there was a  SCOTUS seat to be filled. The son of a mitch jacka** said he would not allow that seat to be filled because THE NEXT PRESIDENT should have that choice. And so he REFUSED to advise and consent any choice of President Obama for a justice to replace Scalia and effectively CHEATED HIM out of a SCOTUS replacement.

A coupla days ago the son of a mitch jack a** was asked if a SCOTUS seat needed to be filled during the last year of the sb president chokehold "reign" what would he do? "FILL IT" smirkingly sez the son of a mitch braying brazen jacka**!

Now I KNOW y'all support that hypocrisy. It seems very right to you doesn't it? He is the worst "leader" in the Senate there ever was and his smirking stopping a president from appointing another justice to SCOTJUS will go down in history. His epitaph will read

"Here lies the son of a mitch who REFUSED a president  a Constitutional Right"
His smirking face will be carved on his headstone complete with beady eyes and thin lips.
A hero to y'all


Posted - June 3, 2019
