Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ever date/marry someone who tried to ISOLATE you from friends and family? That's what the sb prez has done to America. WHY?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Between his tariffs and his blatant disrespect for other countries, he's turning this country into another North Korea. ....And he's proud of it!!
He relates to the despot dictators. That's why he sucks up to them so blatantly and stands with them and supports them and alienates our allies. He is a shameless weak whiny-a** fake who desperately seeks respect as he consistently constantly disrespects everyone but his hero thugs. And his peeps adore him for it. Doesn't say much about them does it? SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I wonder if our brains were mapped (yours and mine) how much alike would they appear to be? Rarely do we disagree. Very rarely.