Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Are you at the front of electrical/electronic thingy technology? It is a completely different language. Do you speak it? Fluently?
Oh, I used to be (80's). But as time went on it, it became less and less important to me. I'm not totally tech-illiterate, but anymore I don't really care about it.
I'm so far behind that curve it ain't funny McGee! Decades ago when things were much simpler I mighta couldda held my own at least on a very basic level. Now? Sheesh. I do not understand the names of so many thingies and what they do and how they are so much than their prior generation. It's overwhelming. I don't know about 5G and terabytes and smart objects that can do amazing things for you. And podcasts and live streaming. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Monday! :)
5G - Short for '5 grand' - the actual price you end up paying for your smartphone before you're allowed to trade it in. Terabytes - What Tera's mother tells you just after you've accepted the job of babysitting Tera. Podcasts - What one does when they slop pigs. Live streaming - Seeing a river in real life as opposed to watching it on TV.
Literate if not always fluent in some fields, totally illiterate in others.
In my teens I was interested in building electronics circuits as a hobby, ironically a hobby that seems to have largely died out.
I started using computers at the change from MS-DOS to MS WIN3; and my first own PC was an Amstrad PCW9512 I used primarily for its main deigned purpose, word-processing. It also had a BASIC compiler and I made some progress with learning BASIC.
I spent 20-odd years working as a lab assistant using sophisticated electronic measuring-instruments controlled by computers, but at home, please don't give me the handset, ask me to switch the telly on and select a particular channel because I would not know how: I have no TV.
Similarly, I gave up using a so-called "smart" 'phone recently because it was so difficult, as well as physically too bulky and heavy for a portable telephone. I know nowt about devices whose names begin with "i", have never used an MP3 player, never copied music or other entertainments from the Internet. I don't play on-line games and I refuse to use Facebook.
Yet I am happy with MS Word to a practical level sufficient for all my needs; am familiar with Excel as a calculating and graph-plotting programme; could just about write very, very simple Access databases.
And I'm presently trying to teach myself a Computer Aided Draughting programme called TurboCAD - which is roughly as difficult and non-intuitive as Access although it does a very different thing.
Wow Durdle! I would have bet the bank that you would be completely conversant in everything electrical/electronic. I'm not being a smarta**. I am very serious. I used to feel that I understood enough. I mean in the olden days I even was in on beta testing programs and trouble shooting for the maker thereof. I liked DOS. Took awhile to get used to Windows and I really loved XL. I have Windows 7 and it is an impolite rascal. It will update right the middle of my doing something. At least XL waited till I logged out to update. I dread Windows 10. I know that Windows 7 support will end sometime in 2020. AARRGGHH! That is the very simple basic level at which I operate. I don't know about podcasts and live-streaming and how 5G is so much better than 4G or what a terabyte is. I'd never join Facebook. It scares me. We don't have a Smart phone. We have a Smart TV and I'm not impressed with it. I'm usually very curious about everything but electrical/electronic thingies are coming at me so fast and furiously I give up. I don't even try. I don't know where it will all end but I guess I won't be around to see it anyway. I have an old desktop Dell computer. Long ago two of our sons got together and ordered the parts and put it together and it was our Christmas present. I LOVE it. I tried those "notebook" computers with no keys and a flat surface and I didn't like it. I still write checks. I have a Debit card but I do not use it for its intended purpose. I miss all the bookstores and libraries there used to be. I don't purchase anything from Amazon. I don't ebay or youtube. A relic of the past. That's me! Thank you for your thoughtful and very informative reply and Happy Monday to thee!
I am fairly good at some things, but certainly not an IT expert.
I use Windows 7 and don't have that up-dating problem, so either it's not been up-dated since I bought it or it's done at some other stage, such as when I switch the computer on or off.
I tried WIN 10 and it was a disaster, apart from having a very cheap-looking, scrappy presentation.
Many say Windows XP was their best, and I agree. I have it on a spare computer that's not on-line.
Not tried a "notebook" but I have used a lap-top and I didn't like it, because it had such an awkward, fiddly keyboard and cursor tool.
Regarding purchasing, I do use a debit card regularly, but my single credit-card only very occasionally; and I have taken precautions to protect the bulk of my money in the bank. We still have libraries and bookshops here, but not as many as there were.
I don't use Amazon or e-Bay though I've viewed a few videos on You-tube. I do buy on line but only occasionally, from only a small number of known suppliers. I won't touch Twitter and Facebook!