Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When the sb prez moves on by whatever means which of the following would Y'all(you know whom you are) rather see replace him as prez?

When the sb prez moves on by whatever means which of the following would Y'all(you know whom you are) rather see replace him as prez?

Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Billy Barr
Sean Hannity
Kellyanne Conway
Ivanka Trump
Sara Huckabee Sanders
Stephen Miller
Rudy G
Melania Trump
Vlad Putin
Michael Avennati
The "BEST PEOPLE" entire cabinet selected by the sb prez...they can share the job
Tiny Tim (if he is still alive)
Jared Kushner
The Saudi Crown Prince (who ordered the dismembering beheading of a US-based journalist)
David Duke
Dr. Laura
Ann Coulter
Judge Judy
Rosanne Barr
All the Charlottesville marchers who chanted "The Jews Will Not Replace Us"...they can share the job
The Lennon Sisters
Ted Nugent
Clint Eastwood
The empty chair to which good old Clint directed an entire speech once upon a time at a GOP convention

Posted - June 10, 2019
