We know he HATES California and Californians and we return the feelings a thousandfold. He threatens to withdraw funds or has. His best insults are saved for us. He is so frustrated that we make no attempt to hide the fact that he is despised here. So of course he retaliates in any way he can.
Of course there are red pockets of sb prez adoring worshippers here in the golden state. Orange County is a hotbed for one and here and there, hither and yon, they gather together holding hands and singing Kumbayah! His attacks on California also attack the few true believers here. Does he not care about THEM? Does he not weep for them? They are the obscenely wealthy folks he has always taken care of FIRST. HIS PEOPLE. Well when fires consume their mansions does he not feel bad for them or does he blame them too? It's a complicated issue but he doesn't handle simple well so what are the chances he can handle the complex complicated?