Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nothing he says or does "becomes" him. It only points out inadequacies. Yet he is beloved. I wonder how many German peeps adored Hitler?

Nothing he says or does "becomes" him. It only points out inadequacies. Yet he is beloved. I wonder how many German peeps adored Hitler?

I know there are American NAZIS. Are they Hitler worshippers who want to eradicate all Jews? Does their hatred extend to other groups too like women and people of color and Muslims and LGBTQ and and and and? Do they wear swaztikas and heil to Hitler or have they chosen a current real-life Hitler-like surrogate and groove on him?

T'is a puzzlement. A novel way to be I guess. Pander to the very worst among us. Ignore the best among us and attack vilify undermine lie. It seems to be working. Why that is I do not know. Used to be we cheered for the Good Guys. Now folks cheer when the Good Guys are slaughtered and cheer for the Slaughterers! Go figger! New day. New Age. New ways. New thinking. Progress in a world we never thought existed for Americans. SURPRISE!

Posted - June 11, 2019
