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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "It won't happen under my auspices". Why didn't the inarticulate sb prez say "it won't happen on my watch"? Auspices?

"It won't happen under my auspices". Why didn't the inarticulate sb prez say "it won't happen on my watch"? Auspices?

Why would he use such a word as AUSPICES? Did he want to sound like an extremely stable genius?

Anyway folks yer sb prez  gave a lovely gift to his inamorata. Safe haven. Of course the auspicious sb prez already gifted Putin with that as well as every other despot dictator dismembering beheader and sexually perverted deviate.

Under HIS auspices racists are safe, cheaters and liars are safe, betrayers are safe. All are safe from harm.

The US Intelligence Agencies are just window dressing. The extremely stable genius sb  prez assures them of that. It's kinda nice to have some assurances in life. Ain't it?

Posted - June 12, 2019
