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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do overachievers always bite off more than they can chew? Do they refuse to spit out at times and choke? What makes achievers over/under?

Do overachievers always bite off more than they can chew? Do they refuse to spit out at times and choke? What makes achievers over/under?

For whose benefit do achievers overdo? Others or themselves? Trying to convince others they're better than average or themselves?

Posted - June 13, 2019


  • Over achievers ALWAYS bite off more than they can chew on their way to success. They fail often, but they are the builders of industry and empire. They are the ones who add perspiration to inspiration. They are the reason there is anything worthwhile. They dare to take risks and chances. They do it for themselves and the rest of us benefit from it. They are the ones we remember, not the also rans. Why do they do it? You climb a mountain because it's there.  
      June 13, 2019 7:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply SC and Happy Thursday to thee. I take it you are an overachiever then or you admire them or both?
      June 13, 2019 7:50 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I don't think they "bite off more than they can chew".
    If they did, they wouldn't achieve their goal.  Thus, they would not be overachievers.
    If we stick with the metaphor ... it would be that they "take a larger bite (than normal)" out of something.

    Personally, I have an issue with the term "overachiever".
    It implies that everybody should have the same level of achievement ... and implies a negative connotation, as if there is something wrong with those who go above and beyond that level.
      June 13, 2019 8:07 AM MDT