Please explain to me just what this clever idea means. I mean if Trump is the Devil, he has minions millions of them. He is doing a bang-up job of being someone who DEFENDS the devil and every possible manner of acting Satanic. We are watching THE DEVIL at work in the form of a mindless puppet who just WANTS AND WANTS and has no ability to fill the empty void that is his soul.
So, if you don't want to be like Trump, and what SANE GOOD person does? Then he is the perfect Devil's Advocate. -
dev·il's ad·vo·cate
[ˈˌdevəlz ˈadvəkət]
a person who expresses a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments.
"the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate, to put the other side's case forward"
the popular title of the person appointed by the Roman Catholic Church to challenge a proposed beatification or canonization, or the verification of a miracle.