I had a friend in the Navy, who, while driving back to the base, saw an injured deer along the side of the highway. He pulled out his .357 and put the deer out of it's misery. He took it to the base and butchered it, froze the meat and took it home later. He had 8 kids to feed.
Oh dear! A deer never occurred to me. I was thinking more of the VARMINTS Granny prepared on The Beverly Hillbillies E! Never really knew what they were but I thought they'd be kinda small with beady eyes, claws and some kinda tail. I had Venison once. Very gamey. Very tough. Not a fan of gamey. Is deer delish? BAMBI comes to mind. SIGH. Thank you for your reply!
My son-in-law is a hunter. He gives me sausage every year and used to give me roasts to make jerky. He bagged three last year, so I will probably get some this year. By the way, we have many deer in the city here. I have seen them wandering my neighborhood and munching on lawns. They are quite the pests, especially when they cross the roads suddenly.
You do E? My sister and brother-in-law live in Carson City, Nevada in a small retirement community within walking distance of downtown. A very historic place and totally charming quaint and adorable. But once you reach where they live it seems to be out in the country! She says there are deer who frequent their yard and munch away!. She thinks it might be a family. They are fearless and seem very at home. She said they even come onto the deck and recline. I can't imagine that. Where do they live when they are not in someone's yard? She makes sure there are dishes of water out there and never disturbs them. I think it's something one would see in a Disney movie. Bambi and her folks casually visiting the inhabitants. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply. So what you get does not have a "gamey" taste then?
YOU DO? Oh wow! I LOVE PARKS! We have some in Hemet but no deer m'dear. I mean they are not forested and you can see clear across them. There might be a coupl of trees here and there. I remember being in a huge forested park when I lived in Highland Park, Michigan. Of course I was 3 so everything looked huge to me. I don't remember seeing anything comparable to that in the area of southern California in which I live. Of course there is Balboa Park in San Diego about 70 or so miles away and up north in San Francisco there is Golden Gate Park about 450 miles away. We do have Griffith Park which is somewhere near Dodger Stadium I think which is also about 70 or so miles away.. I was there a few times when I was younger. There may well be larger forested parks nearer to me but if so I don't know about them! So you can WALK to your park in a few minutes any old time you want? Wow! That's more than awesome! Thank you for your reply E! :)
Holy Toledo! Apologies. Couldn't resist. So that's an aerial view of your city. Which house is yours? Is that large wide swatch of green the forest(s) to which you allude? Way bigger than Central Park. OF course it is! What forest isn't bigger than any park? Thank you the graphic E and Happy Monday to thee! :)
Most of the streets are tree-lined. My house would not be possible to see and I can barely see the nearby park as it blends into the rest of the green.