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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pulling out of an agreement is like getting a divorce. YOU LOSE all rights to comment futurely about your ex-mate or the "deal". Don'tcha?

Pulling out of an agreement is like getting a divorce. YOU LOSE all rights to comment futurely about your ex-mate or the "deal". Don'tcha?

Due to the profound wisdom of the extremely stable genius sb prez he pulled out of the IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL for one reason  ONLY. President Obama took part in it nd his jealousy of OBAMA overwhelms common sense assuming he had any which is highly doubtful. So he pulled out.  .

Now he has the nerve to try to control what Iran does? None of his dam* business! He got the divorce so what the he** does he care what happens next? He washed his hands of it. Turned his back on it. NOW HE WANTS TO CONTROL IT? Sheesh. Whatta whatta whatta whatta whatta whatta.

Posted - June 17, 2019
