The opinion piece started off by saying our candidate for president. NOT DONALD TRUMP
It went on from there to be a SCATHING attack on the extremely stable genius sb prez listing a few items that were just the tip of the iceberg. The putdown take-down could not have been done by anyone any better than that.
That is what greeted the doofus in Orlando. The Orlando Sentinel NORMALLY endorses Republicans. It said they will endorse anyone NOT DONALD TRUMP without even knowing whom it will be. Anyone will be bette and do better. The Sentinel doesn't know who will be running against him yet but it doesn't matter. They want Orlando folks to know their position NOW. The opponent will be the one to vote for whomever it is simply because it will be NOT DONALD TRUMP.
Imagine if every paper in ever city where the doofus don holds a campaign rally were to get on board and do the same kind of opinion pieces?. We could have baby blimp flying overhead perhaps to underscore the contempt disdain disgust American citizens feel for and have for him.
It would not deter him one bit. He would tell everyone those were welcoming articles and really showed how much they love him. And the same people who believe he never lies will once again believe him. Not their ears or their eyes but what he sez.
Gonna be a fun ride city to city watching the crowd reaction outside of the rally sites. Protests maybe? I dunno.
Trump’s capacity for lying isn’t the surprise here, though the frequency is.
It’s the tolerance so many Americans have for it.
There was a time when even a single lie — a phony college degree, a bogus work history — would doom a politician’s career.
Not so for Trump, who claimed in 2017 that he lost the popular vote because millions of people voted illegally (they didn’t). In 2018 he said North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat (it is). And in 2019 he said windmills cause cancer (they don’t). Just last week he claimed the media fabricated unfavorable results from his campaign’s internal polling (it didn’t).