If he had anything new at all to pitch the crowd he would. But he doesn't so he didn't and you know what's weird as well as queerly peculiar about all of it? Lotsa folks showed up in "LOCK HER UP" T-shirts! They are so stuck in yesterday because there is no today or tomorrow. There is only what was and there is no what is or what will be. Historical first. No progress. No movement. No growth. No success. Just look back to yesterday and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat.
Here’s a prediction: Newspapers around the country will endorse President Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election by a gaping margin, perhaps even exceeding the 57-to-2 blowout for Hillary Clinton in 2016 (among the country’s 100 largest papers).
One way to stick out from this lump of consensus? Get your endorsement out early. “Our Orlando Sentinel endorsement for president in 2020: Not Donald Trump,” reads the headline on the Sentinel’s Tuesday editorial, which is pegged to the president’s visit to Orlando later Tuesday to officially launch his presidential campaign. In 2016, The Post’s editorial board ruled out a Trump endorsement months before the election, calling him a “unique and present danger” to the Constitution.
Is this the first such editorial of the 2020 cycle? “I think so,” responded Julie Anderson, the Sentinel’s editor in chief, who oversees both the paper’s news coverage and its editorials. “All the lies are unacceptable and, to us, the editorial board, just disqualifying," Anderson said, adding that the early editorial was a “way to bring attention to that.”
Trump’s capacity for lying isn’t the surprise here, though the frequency is.
It’s the tolerance so many Americans have for it.
There was a time when even a single lie — a phony college degree, a bogus work history — would doom a politician’s career.
Not so for Trump, who claimed in 2017 that he lost the popular vote because millions of people voted illegally (they didn’t). In 2018 he said North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat (it is). And in 2019 he said windmills cause cancer (they don’t). Just last week he claimed the media fabricated unfavorable results from his campaign’s internal polling (it didn’t).