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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Among all the caged/kenneled children who are being treated with horrific cruelty some among them will WRITE ABOUT IT! Wouldn't you?

Among all the caged/kenneled children who are being treated with horrific cruelty some among them will WRITE ABOUT IT! Wouldn't you?

The conditions forced upon them that no child should ever have to experience will certainly not soon be forgotten. The more articulate literate among them may well write a memoir about their experiences at the hands of the extremely stable genius sb prez who once upon a time reigned supreme.

Imagine how he and his cold-hearted cruel indifferent thugs will fare in the retelling of this through first-person eyes? It is coming. TRUTH can be silenced but only ever TEMPORARILY. When it speaks it will be with a loud ROAR heard worldwide. I hope I live to see that day.

Perhaps the writer(s) will win a Pulitzer Prize or a Nobel Prize or a Humanitarian Award for the work they will be doing to insure that this abomination will not be tolerated again.

Why do YOU tolerate it fellow Americans? Can you answer that question? Some of you not only tolerate it but support it encourage it celebrate it. The extent to which evil cruel hateful is the subtext is extraordinary.

Posted - June 25, 2019


  • 34915
    Perhaps the Dems should fund the money to give more beds, and other necessities.
      June 25, 2019 6:24 AM MDT