For what he did years ago having a sex ring of little girls (13-16) for his pleasure and the pleasure of his like-minded similarly creepy pedophile pals. The sb prez even said once upon a time that Jeff likes beautiful women and likes them young. True dat.
Justice belayed is justice denied? Maybe not. There is no statute of limitations on his crimes. The Alex Acosta Best people person Secretary of Labor for the BEST people person sb prez cabinet member slapped Jeff's hand and let him walk cuz he was the friend of a friend and you know how boys will be boys and the boys has gottsa stick together. Alex Acosta should be charged with turning away and letting the creepy perp get away with it. Another immoral creep the sb peeps hog keeps around. Why?
Federal Sex Trafficking allegations. Joint NYPD, Southern District of New York Justice Department and FBI investigation. 2002-2005 was when the ring operated freely.
Described by the sb prez once upon a time as "A TERRIFIC GUY WHO LIKES YOUNG GIRLS". Like? You mean rape?
How young are your daughters? Would you trust them around Jeff or Alex or the sb prez ? Alone in a room just them?.