We go the names. I wonder what the FBI, SDNY and NYPD in concert have on all of THEM?
Dates and numbers of time they flew on the pervert's plane to one of his residence? 26 times for Bill Cllinton
Allegedly the impotent pedophile was BARRED from Mar a Lago for hitting on a yuong guest there.
So when the sb prez sez he knows nothing about the Epstein scandal ONCE AGAIN HE IS LYING.
Every contact every pal ever ssociate every employee every person who ever associted with Epstein is suspect. Some of his employees were recruiters. His former girlfriends were alleged to have been procutrers too. So as perverted and peculiarly queer as he was so were they!
All fall down. This is just the tip. Watch out with whom you associate yourself. You may live to regret it.