The Saudi butcher would sure as he** shape up the milquetoast military! The sb teleprompter prez would be feared/hated far and wide for his cruelty. Oh wait. He already is. My mistake.
Anyway the more "BEST" people the sb teleprompter prez can bring to his FASCIST WHITE NATIONALIST gubment the more feared he will be. What's stopping him? The Senate will confirm anyone/anything he wants. They confirmed billybarr didn't they? The dregs and laughingstock of "justice" on steroids. The bogey man the Cookie Monster Peter Pan Darth Vader. A hot-babe hooker. Russian agents. Sean Hannity. Debbie Dribble.
Is the sb teleprompter prez afraid to let it all hang out? He has carte blanche from the people who support him and toady sycophant scairdy cat Senate Majority who will roll over and go over a cliff for him. We'll see what happens. Everyone says so.