He does it for a lark just to see how much he can exhaust thee and me and everyone. He plays with us. He toys with us. He exerts complete control over our attention by intention to deflect diffuse divert. Threaten a war. Threaten to side-step THE SUPREMES. Threaten to ship out thousands of human beings. Threaten to build an ego wall. Threaten to threaten. He always backs down when he gets his way. All he wants is to make fools of us all. Easy to do. Sad to say.
How did he get to be so good at being that? Why do folks allow it? Is there some deep-seated need in us to be manipulated like that? T'is a puzzlement.
Now we KNOW he can be almost totally ignored very easily. His 4th of July very expensive ego parade spectacular was not covered well at all. A smack down he so richly deserved. Why not treat every rally every speech ever word every deed like that only more so? Ignore him. Don't take the bait. Treat him as he deserves to be treated. An annoying gnat that is unspeakably inept arrogant ignorant irrelevant? Block him. Black him out. No press. No mas.