Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "They" name Tropical Storms but not Volcano eruptions, avalanches, landslides, earthquakes. Why?

"They" name Tropical Storms but not Volcano eruptions, avalanches, landslides, earthquakes. Why?

Fires are named according to geographical location. Makes sense.

Are tropical storm names computer-generated? Shouldn't the next CAT 5 be named DONALD JOHN in honor of the current prez? He certainly has a DEVASTATING EFFECT, does MUCH DAMAGE and possibly KILLS those that get in his way. Whaddaya say hey hey hey? He'd be honored. Anything with his name on it thrills delights ecstaticizes him. Anything bearing his moniker is a good good thing of course. The United States of Trump! The Trump Constitution! The Trump pledge of allegiance. The TRUMP FLAG! The TRUMP BASE. Trump truth. Trump justice. Trump honor. Trump currency.

Posted - July 13, 2019
