Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You the people voted in a DEM majority in the House to BRING BACK THE CHECK AND BALANCE SYSTEM. Dems be warned! Why?

You the people voted in a DEM majority in the House to BRING BACK THE CHECK AND BALANCE SYSTEM. Dems be warned! Why?

Because if you do not do what you were elected to do then you will all be back out on the street on your a**es and the sb teleprompter prez will be re-elected. If you don't check-and-balance him 24/7 how long do you htink you will last? DO SOMETHING! SPEED UP THE PROCESS. STOP TALKING START ACTING. FOR GOODNESS SAKES SMELL THE ROSES and stop bit**ing about the thorns. Sheesh.

Posted - July 13, 2019
