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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Principled politics is an oxymoron. Politics has zero to do with principle. What's it all about Alfie?

Principled politics is an oxymoron. Politics has zero to do with principle. What's it all about Alfie?

Politics is all about preventing those whom you despise detest hate from getting anything they want.

That was proven during the Obama presidency. Things that REPUBLICANS had devised/created/gave birth to and wanted that Obama wanted to do were shot down. Republicans reversed themselves out of spite and hatred for Obama. In doing so it showed how absurdly simplistic they were and UNPATRIOTIC. They cut their noses to spite their faces and is that is why what you see today is so deformed and ugly and nightmarishly terrifying.

If principle had been what they stood for they would have WORKED WITH him but it was not that at all. They hated him and so with every fiber of their detestable being they fought him and obstacled him and prevented him from doing what he was constitutionally authorized to do (appoint a Supreme) by illegal means. And they got away with it. And that son of a mitch bragged about it. Their hate is so great the Kakistocratic teleprompter sb prez still talks about him all the time and continues erasing everything and anything having to do with Obama. The hate and jealousy and envy is more than he can tolerate. He lusts after being loved the way Obama is.  GET OVER IT. It ain't gonna happen in any lifetime blimp baby!

Posted - July 15, 2019


  • 46117
    We have too many people.  And there is too much useless information being spread around by groups vested in a certain agenda.  There are too many groups.  There is ONLY ONE TRUMP and he is going to win.  He is going to win because the economy is sound.  That is all people understand.  They don't care because they don't understand.  

    We are at the mercy of the future and we have no plans to deal with it because there are too many people.  

    Too many candidates and too many ideas.  

    There is only ONE PIG and people are going to put the incumbent back in power.  
      July 15, 2019 9:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Of course it could happen. Russia continues to meddle and they're way better at it now than a few years ago. The check-and-balance system is broken. The supremes are in on the fix. The billybarlapdogpuppetfake AG will strike down anything that isn't suck uppy enough for the Kakistocratic erratic teleprompter fake bonespur draft dodger sb prez.  The collusion conspiracy is now outed and so it will continue on bigger and better all in front of you. So legally there is no recourse. The only thing that will work is that enough voters who aren't brainwashed hypnotized in a coma or had lobotomies will show up to vote. Otherwise it's in the bag. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      July 16, 2019 6:58 AM MDT