Every day multiple times the Kakistocratic teleprompter sb prez has multiple hissy fit tantrums which he tweets for his beloved trackers to read. Multiple daily hissy fit tantrums ARE NOT NORMAL.
Why isn't he under a doctor's care as well as under the care of a psychiatrist? Why are we okay with an 73--year-old-man behaving in a way we would not tolerate in a toddler?
Do you understand the why? The behavior is getting increasingly wackadoodlier and nuttier and crazier. He is fueling the fire himself and it is not getting any better. Where are you out there? Those of you who SAY you care about this man? He is in dire trouble and you are just sitting there watching with amusement wondering what nutty thing he will say next? Shame on you. DO SOMETHING TO HELP HIM.